Musca Law (Law Firms) in Tampa
Full information about Musca Law in Tampa: address, opening hours, phone, fax, email, website. Musca Law on the map, description and reviews.
Contact details of Musca Law:
625 E Twiggs St, Suite 1000 Unit 117, Tampa, Florida (FL), 33602
EditMusca Law opening hours:
We are open 24/7, 365 days a week.
EditReviews about Musca Law:
About Musca Law:
At Musca Law, our Tampa criminal defense lawyers have been delivering top-tier criminal defense representation since 2001. Our Tampa criminal defense law firm represents the accused in all criminal cases, from misdemeanors to felonies. We handle DUI, theft, traffic violations, federal crimes, and sex crimes. We defend clients in Tampa and throughout all 67 Florida counties. No matter where you’re located or the charges you face, we’re here to fight for your rights and protect your future. Call 1-813-362-5623 or toll free at 1-888-484-5057 for your FREE consultation.
EditLaw Firms nearest to Musca Law:
Hearn Steven L PA Tampa, Law Firms; 625 E Twiggs St, Tampa, FL, 33602-3931; (813) 222-0003
Paul & Associates Tampa, Law Firms; 620 E Twiggs St, Tampa, FL, 33602; (813) 226-3997
Payne Mark C PA Attorney Tampa, Law Firms; 620 E Twiggs St, Tampa, FL, 33602-3999; (813) 223-6882
Greco & Wozniak P.A. Tampa, Law Firms; 501 North Morgan Street, Suite 200, Tampa, FL, 33602; 813-223-7849